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Are You a "candidate" Winner?

Friday, November 13, 2009

In success, there are four levels of achievement, the first is the winner this time, those who already know what they want, and take action in focus to reach their goals.

The last level is the level of achievement of those who have not realized their potential.

Between the two levels above the level of potential winners is they who have set their goals and begin to focus on their actions.

Another level is the level of expectation winning candidate, they are not fully in order to reach success. They may have been through a tough journey and deviated from the goal. Perhaps also those who have self-concepts that need to be repaired.

Are you a potential winner? You'll know if you are a potential winner. You will feel great passion to pursue what you want. One thing that can stop you is what you believe.

You may also have discovered the power of relationships with potential winners and winners. There's a reason why we are judged by who we're together because they memebentuk our character in life.

You may be're building your way in business or thinking about it seriously. This is one impression of a winner. If you do so, you are on the right track.

Are you a potential winner?

A potential winner very easily recognizable. They are always looking for. They read self-improvement books, seminars motivation, buying and listening to a tape, CD or video that provides inspiration, and believe that sooner or later they will create their dream life.

They realized the hidden talents and potential they have, but have not found a way how to use it.

You are a potential winner, if you will feel great passion to pursue what you want.

Are you a candidate of hope winner?

You can change from a potential winner hopes to be a winner. This is only determined by your actions.

One action that you can do is change. Out of your comfort zone and do something to bring your life to a level better achievement.

Growth always involves change. And frankly, change is not something pleasant. Changed from mere "theory" breakthrough life into "action" would be very very unpleasant.

Try to identify one reason why you can not overcome your fears. Remind yourself why you want to change. Often the desire to avoid suffering can be a very powerful reason than simply trying to change. Use a very strong reason to overcome your fears and worries.

Feel yourself at the last level?

Do you find yourself at the last level? You must be mistaken. You can not read this article till here if you are in the last level. At least you want to succeed.

If you are tired, tired and frustrated with your life, you probably are on the path of change. This is the beginning when you turn into a potential winner of hope.

There's something inside you that tells you that there are so many opportunities out there, push yourself to achieve your potential and use more.

It's time to enter into the prospective winner. Do something and be like what you want!



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